community culture

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
One of the reasons we started Diem is because we felt that the way people search on the internet is not reflective of how we (women and non-binary folk) interact in real life. We believe that trying to find an answer on the internet should feel as safe, non-judgey, and trustworthy as asking your group chat. This culture code is in place to try and create that same environment: a place where there’s no shame or fear, just support and safety—with trust, respect and empathy at its core. These guidelines help to ensure we can create and sustain that culture.
These guidelines will evolve as Diem grows.
what makes Diem feel good and safe for all...
#1: Kindness & Curiosity
Diem is a place for people to bring their whole selves to without fear of judgment or discrimination. We all have different backgrounds and perspectives—Diem should be a space where you can express those freely. Respect and kindness is paramount and there is no tolerance for nastiness. Curiosity plays an important role in trying to understand where someone else is coming from. How can you ask other members questions instead of making assumptions? How can you seek to understand instead of judge?
#2: Give First
Diem operates on the basis of reciprocity. If all community members come to Diem with the purpose to give, then everyone will benefit (including you!). If you approach Diem by thinking; "What can I offer this community?" As opposed to "What can I take from this community?" you’ll be on the right track. Diem is only as powerful as the voices in it. Share your experiences, your tips and invite your outside community to do the same!
#3: Facts, Not Fiction
The communities in Diem are not a place to share falsehoods. Period. Before sharing, ask yourself: do I know this to be true?
#4: Offering & Suggestion
Knowledge sharing involves sharing advice. It can be helpful to think of giving advice as an offering as opposed to a mandate. We want to avoid telling each other what to do with our lives, and instead, offer our experience for others to take what they will from it. We support freedom of choice, but we're also pro-fact and pro-grace. We won't tolerate misinformation or the trolling of others' choices for the sake of proving a point.
#5: Empathetic Engagement
Imagine you’re in the same room as other Diem members. How would you treat each other? How would you actively listen and engage? Would you rant without room for other’s input? Replicate those same rules of conduct and communication in Diem.

legal terms of engagement (the nitty gritty)
Diem has a strict policy around hate speech and harmful content. This violation code of conduct helps to keep this in check:
You must be at least 13 years old to use Diem.
Diem should be used as a conversational platform, not a crisis line. If your safety is threatened we encourage you to consult a crisis line outlined below. Diem is not a substitute for mental health support and does not purport as such.
You cannot use Diem to abuse, bully or harass any member or a group of members in Diem, in either text or image form. This is considered a violation and your account will be terminated.
Discrimination, engagement in hateful speech/imagery or threatening of harm/violence against any person or groups of people is considered a violation and will result in your account being terminated.
No spreading of false info or spam! Your account will be suspended for this behavior.
Any sharing of Diem content to social platforms must exclude or blur out the username and profile picture of member to protect our community. Any sharing of Diem content with the intent of exposing or threatening another Diem community member will result in account termination.
You may discuss sensitive topics in Diem as long as the intent is conversational and seeks to expand one’s understanding, knowledge, and connection around the topic.
If you are discussing a sensitive topic, this must be prefaced with TW (trigger warning) to alert other community members who may find it triggering.
When sensitive topics are posted about (in text or imagery format) with mal-intent (ie. reckless or threatening in nature) or in a manner that indicates Diem is being used as a crisis line, this will be considered a violation. Examples of topics that a member might post with mal-intent include (but are not limited to):
a suicide letter or a ‘final post’
a member who is in danger by way of sexual or domestic violence
a member who relays their intent to self-harm or harm others
a minor who is being abused
In these instances the Diem team will follow internal protocol and contact the poster directly. If there is a grey area around a post as to whether it violates terms, Diem may contact the member with a warning.
Imagery uploaded to Diem falls under the same violation code as the above. Categories of imagery posted that violate our terms include (but are not limited to):
Nudity or sexually explicit content
Violence or Death
Suicide or self-harm
Discriminatory depictions or symbols
Child exploitation
Harassment or bullying
Substance abuse featuring drugs, alcohol or other
Graphic injuries or crime
Accounts that post imagery of the above will be terminated immediately.

Diem uses machine learning moderation tools which are trained to detect imagery and text that violates our code of conduct. This helps to protect our community and keep Diem a safe, healthy ecosystem.
If you witness a violation of the Culture Code or Violation Code, please report them to us via info@askdiem.com or via the in-app "Report" button.

While Diem will always serve as a community for you to share your experiences, we are not mental health professionals or authorities and strongly encourage you to seek help from those who are. We welcome you to continue using Diem as a support system in addition to professional care, but not in place of it. Please refer to links below:
Suicide & Mental Health
USA: 988 Lifeline (suicide and self-harm support)
International: Suicide Hotlines
Domestic Abuse (USA): The Hotline
International Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies: Hot Peach Pages
Minor Abuse: The Child Hotline and The Child Helpline International
Crisis Helplines List #1: here
Crisis Helplines #2: here
Eating Disorders
Sexual & Gender Identity